
Example of business hours in Doordash



The goal of this interview is to come up with a query to understand differences in the business hours for a store across all platforms. You will compute a metric called business hour mismatch between a store on Grubhub and a store on UberEats

For this problem statement, we will only focus on Grubhub and UberEats.

  1. Write a SQL query/set of queries that
    1. Computes Business Hours Mismatch between a restaurant on two platforms. For the sake of simplicity, we will assume UberEats as the ground truth. We will then try to find the issues in Grubhub store hours.
      1. Identify if Grubhub Hours are within the range of UberEats hours (column:is_out_of_range: “In Range”, “Out of Range with 5 mins difference”, “Out of Range”)
  1. Computing Business Hour Mismatch


Note all the data is sample data available in BigQuery. (To view the data, open your personal BigQuery console and run these queries).